El Porto, Manhattan Beach, Ca. - 11-time World Surf League Champion Kelly Slater was spotted shooting a tube at El Porto Beach last Thursday morning, according to local surfer Tom Doyle. Doyle, whose claim was immediately contested by the three closest people to him in the beach parking lot, was adamant the man he saw was indeed Kelly Slater.
“It was totally Kelly Slater!” Doyle insisted. "He was ripped, and he was ripping out there, this little 5’9” bald dude. It was totally him!”
Other surfers were not so easily convinced. El Porto, a small beach community less than fifteen minutes from Los Angeles International Airport, attracts locals and travelers alike, particularly surfers because of its reliable wave. But mostly intermediate, novice and even beginner surfers on rental boards. A wave enough to attract the most famous surfer in the world? And during what some are calling El Porto's worst year of waves since the 1970s?
“I’m pretty sure the bald dude he’s talking about was Jeff,” said fellow local surfer Mike Williams, who has been surfing El Porto and southern California for over 40 years.
“Jeff is bald and in good shape, and he’s a really good surfer. He's actually in real estate. He is definitely not Kelly Slater. I’m pretty sure Tom just started surfing when he moved here a few months ago. He thinks every bald, fit, 50-something surfer who can make a bottom turn is Kelly Slater.”
“Yea,” concurred a gray-haired man in the parking lot, who complained about unfavorable surf conditions, puffed on a cigarette, sipped a cup of coffee, then refused to give his name. “There is no way that was Kelly Slater.”
At press time, Doyle remained adamant. “That was totally Kelly. It was.” He said. “And a few months ago, I saw Anthony Kiedis from Red Hot Chili Peppers out here!”
Representatives for Kelly Slater and Anthony Kiedis have yet to respond to requests for comment or confirmation.