About HighTides Journal
HighTides Journal is an independently published cannabis and mushroom friendly newspaper (print and online edition) written by individuals exercising their freedom of speech to share their individual passions, curiosities, and joys of living.
HighTides Journal writes openly about adult-use cannabis and mushrooms as part of a healthy, balanced, and productive lifestyle - one that emphasizes personal responsibility, self-discipline, contribution, introspection, surf, travel, adventure, art, literature, nutrition, exercise, sex, and social engagement. We are proud to share our passions for life and our love for the individual, for nature, for waves and community through this unique publication.
HighTides Journal focuses on the highpoints of existence.
Please note: views expressed by HighTides writers are not necessarily shared by other HighTides writers, our publishers, nor our advertisers.
This is HighTides Journal, Perspective & Reports Otherwise Unnoted, reported as fast as we can live it, write it and fact check it - from around the globe, here on planet Earth.
Print Editions of HighTides Journal are currently available at:
Union Market locations in Washington, DC
Newspaper stands in NW Washington, DC
9th St NW and N St NW (near Sundevich)
7th St NW and S St NW (outside Compass Coffee)
George Washington University Campus
El Porto Surf Shop, El Porto, California
OB's Pub and Grill, El Porto, California
To carry print editions of HighTides Journal in your local surf shop, your dispensary, your super cool neighborhood store/cafe/pub, or on your college campus, contact us.
If you have something to say, or wish to contribute your article(s) for publication, do so here.